The Slovak Road Association (SRA) operates as a professional, non-political and non-profit association of individuals and legal entities active in the field of road management and road construction in Slovakia.

It is a member of the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies (ZSVTS), the World Road Association (PIARC) and a signatory to the Charter of European Road Safety.

The mission of the SRA is:

  • to promote solidarity and build professional pride within the member base and promote road issues in general public,
  • to organize professional and social life of its members and create conditions for broadening and deepening of professional and practical knowledge, 
  • to promote educational activities and heighten professional level and qualifications of the membership,
  • to cooperate with professional organizations in solving current problems and in preparation
    of legislation and technical regulations,
  • to create conditions for expert discussion aimed at solving conceptual, technical and
    economic issues,
  • to promote scientific and technological development,
  • to develop international cooperation, enable exchange of expertise and promote Slovakia
  • to support publishing activities in the field of research and development focused on the field
    of road construction and road management.